Saturday, 2 February 2013

How your Website or Blog can communicate with Search Engines?

Search Engines like Google use bots to communicate with website or blog. Actually bots come to websites or blog and start crawling to all web pages. Whatever they crawl at websites they go back to search engines carrying the messages and store those messages in search engine’s database.


Search Engines like Google are NOT Human Beings!

Search engines such as Google crawls websites with different prospects. They don’t have eyes to analyze beautiful colors, images and animations, don’t have ears to listen music or audio stuff and don’t have feelings to fall in love with your catchy slogans. Apart of all these disabilities they can evaluate your website better than a human being.

When you develop or going to get your website or blog developed, what things you should keep in mind? Being website or blog Owner you might think of website design and content, being Webmaster you might think of easy navigation and flexibility of website or blog. You might be missing one very important aspects of search engine such as Google positioning, and that is how search engine is viewing your website?

What Things Search Engines Like at Your Website or Blog?

Good communication with search engines can increase the performance of your website or blog. It applies the same to search engines such as Google. If your website or blog can communicate well enough to create good impression to search engines like Google. Then your website will be facilitating with high rankings. Here is a list of elements search engines such as Google like.
  1. Optimize and Validated Code
  2. Unique URL of Each Webpage
  3. Rich Content
  4. Proper Internal Linking
  5. Plain URLs
  6. Text Based Navigation
  7. Healthy Incoming Links
  8. Good Directory and File Structure
  9. Neat Table Structure
  10. Title, Meta Tags and Alt Tags
  11. Proper Headings, Subheadings and Captions
  12. Robots.txt
What Things Search Engines Dislike at Your Website or Blog?

Take care of the elements which can hurt your view to search engines; thought each search engine has its own criteria of viewing websites but all major search engines like Google dislike these mentioned elements.
  1. Invalid Code
  2. Broken Links
  3. JavaScript
  4. Under-construction Page/es
  5. Orphan Links, Images and Files
  6. Pop ups
  7. IP Tracking
  8. Redirectors
  9. Dynamically Generated Pages
  10. Same Background and Font Colors
  11. Frames
  12. Multi Nested Table Structure
Search engine like Google bots crawl website with different time frame period, it depends upon how frequently your website updates? Each search engine has its own time frequency to crawl websites, now you know what things do matter to search engines, take care of them so that your website can deliver its message well enough to get top rankings.

Best of luck


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