Sunday 16 December 2012

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 Review

Twilight : Breaking Dawn Rating: 2.42/5

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Twilight : Breaking Dawn Movie Review

Ratings:2/5 Reviewer:Rajeev Masand Site:IBNLive (CNN-IBN)
This penultimate film in the saga starts off promisingly, but swiftly sinks into the quicksand of silliness that has dogged this series since after Catherine Hardwicke’s moody first film. Breaking Dawn Part 1 is an improvement on both New Moon and Eclipse, but it’s still got so much unintentional humor and clunky dialogue that only fans of the series – or Twi-hards as they’ve come to be known – will still be able to embrace it. I’m going with two out of five for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1. If you’re not a fan, look at it this way – there’s only one more film to go, and then we’re rid of them once and for all.
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Ratings:2.5/5 Reviewer:Renuka Vyavahare Site:TimesofIndia
As happens with most penultimate films of the much celebrated franchises, this film lacks pretty much everything which made Twilight series (film adaptations) so endearing in the first place. There is no compelling climax, humour is occasional, story stays stagnant, no conflict points in the script, secondary but significant characters find themselves doing a cameo .However despite its drawbacks, Breaking Dawn remains a film not to be missed, after all you get to witness the much awaited wedding of the year as Edward finally weds Bella. Breaking Dawn: Part 1 disappoints when compared to the previous Twilight films. Lets hope Twilight regains its beauty in the last of the Twilight series: Breaking Dawn Part 2.
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Ratings:2/5 Reviewer:Sukanya Verma Site:Rediff
In the first half of Meyer's final installment, sketchily adapted by Melissa Rosenberg, director Bill Condon crams in a whole bunch of issues -- marriage, pregnancy, childbirth -- robbing the romance of all its lightweight conflicts to create an environment of half-hearted drama and laughable sentimentality. Welcome to the Bold and Beautiful of the brain dead.Still, it's not the worst Twilight movie in the series. That distinction is still safe with the awfully mawkish and excruciatingly long, New Moon. After a photogenic beginning and lackluster middle, Breaking Dawn redeems itself at the fag end with a gruesome but emphatic imagery of Bella in labour, setting a precarious tone for the concluding chapter of the franchise. Except that nearly two hours are wasted in establishing very little, underscoring the needless yet exploitative exercise of splitting a volume into two.
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Ratings:2/5 Reviewer:Blessy Chettiar Site:DNA
The sappy drama in Breaking Dawn leaves not much time for remotely enjoyable vampire-werewolf clashes seen in Eclipse. Oscar-winning director Bill Condon’s (Dreamgirls) vision is witnessed in a few scenes like that on the streets of Rio, the dinner speech montage and watercraft ride to Edward’s island. Everything else is plain lack of will and imagination.No euphemism can help express the consistently humdrum acting talent in the lead cast. Perhaps, they must be congratulated for making money out of hysterical young girls for whom the Twilight movies are the closest they could get to ‘heroes’ Edward and Jacob. If you’re not a fan, the lethargic cast, slow-witted screenplay by Melissa Rosenberg and overall foolhardiness is likely to make you cringe
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Ratings:3.5/5 Reviewer:Manhola Dargis Site:New York Times
"The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part I," is the latest and best of the movies about a girl, her vampire and their impossible, ridiculously appealing - yes, I surrendered - love story.Marked by a canny mix of violence and chastity, the franchise has always had plenty of broken heads to go along with its pure thoughts, but here it also features a marital bed reduced to kindling after a rough night.Here, though,Bella returns as the emotional and psychological cornerstone in a series in which the center of gravity has shifted from frenzied action and reaction to love.
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Ratings:2.5/5 Reviewer:Justin Chang Site:Variety
Bella Swan kisses abstinence and mortality goodbye in "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn -- Part 1," in which the vampire-loving teen gets hitched, knocked up and almost destroyed from within by her little bundle of joy. All the more disappointing, then, that a story so pregnant with dramatic possibilities should wind up feeling like such an unconsummated opportunity. Drawn from Stephenie Meyer's polarizing, weirdly compelling fourth novel, the film is rich in surface pleasures but lacks any palpable sense of darkness or danger.
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