Sunday 16 December 2012

Resident Evil 5: Retribution Review

Resident Evil 5 Rating: 1.63/5

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Showing 4 Reviews

Resident Evil 5: Retribution Movie Review
Ratings:3/5 Review by
Allen O Brien Site:Times Of India

Now for the action and all that scary stuff the Resident Evil series is usually made up of. Well, the fifth installment has its share of action -- bullets, bombs and the zombies in thousands -- that does make you sit up as the blood and gore hits your face. However, it's only when the emphasis is too much on all that long drawn conversation leading to longer gaps in the action cuts, do you end up feeling a bit distracted. But then when the zombies and the Red Queen with her death threat - 'You are all going to die down there' -- are back on screen, you know why the series has a strong fan base.
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Ratings:1/5 Review by Daniel Pinto Site:DNA

Playing a video game would be emotionally more gratifying and at least in that pixelated universe, choppy dialogue delivery, awkward emoting and glassy countenances wouldn't be out of place. (To be fair, there was a lingering doubt in my mind as to whether or not the actress playing femme fatale Ada Wong was a CGI model).Gamers, don't settle for this; there will have been a million in-game cinematics more moving than this tripe. Casual viewers, do not subject yourself to Resident Evil: Retribution lest you emerge as brain-dead as the creatures in it.
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Ratings:0.5/5 Review by Shalini Langer Site:Indian Express

It’s 10 years later, Milla is still around, so are Rodriguez, writer-director Anderson, the zombies, leather, guns, blood and shooting. Those 15-year-olds though may have moved on. In a story that manages to be both incredulous and boring, everything from zombies/aliens to monsters and axe-wielding giants are thrown the way of Alice (Jovovich). Later, she is shot, trampled and has her heart brought to a stop, literally -- without a crack on either her or her all-leather unitard ensemble.
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Ratings:2/5 Review by Jeanette Catsoulis Site:New York Times

The fifth entry in a series as indestructible as Alice (Milla Jovovich), its caffeinated heroine, "Resident Evil: Retribution" finds her still on the mysterious ship where "Resident Evil: Afterlife" left her. Almost a decade has passed since the endlessly mutating T-Virus began transforming most of humanity (and zoology) into drooling, pimply cannibals, but Alice — part human, part viral, all airbrushed — is still fighting to save the world. She must be as tired as we are.Taking place almost entirely inside computer-simulated global locations, "Retribution" moves closer than ever to its airless video game roots
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Rajeev Masand didn't reviewed this movie


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