Tuesday, 22 January 2013

New Features Enhance Panasonic Smart TVs

The new trend of improved technology has affected and revolutionized almost every aspect of human life. The trend extends from something as extensive as space shuttles to something as miniscule and common place as a television set.

Panasonic, one of the leading producers of technical house hold items was among the companies that said hello to new era by introducing the Smart TV to consumers. While people were infatuated with Smart phones, tablets and amazing net books, the Smart TV was the best accessory for techno geeks to acquire.

Smart TV’s to not only provided enjoyable new and improved audio visual experiences to the consumer but also enabled them to use the TV to connect with popular social media websites like, Facebook, Twitter and Skype etc through the means of downloaded apps. This was akin to the way Smart phone users were able to run apps on their phones.

With the start of the New Year, Panasonic launched new features that drastically pushed its product in the limelight again with the introduction a feature, namely My Home Screen which can provide a more customized TV viewing experience by memorizing each individual persons TV preferences.

The revolutionary Swipe and Share option was also tweaked and a new and improved version was released which enabled users to hook up a smart phone or tablet with the TV and swipe their finger over the device to transfer pictures to the TV and vice versa. Paying attention to the market, Panasonic targeted a wider audience by making this option Android and iOS friendly.

Additional voice activated features have been added to the Smart TV’s and includes a text reading function for all text that appears on the TV. The voice activated search function is also an excellent addition although users will have to have a supporting app installed in the TV first to process all verbal orders if spoken through a Smart phone.

Other than introducing new features, the Panasonic team has increased the number of apps available with the help of apps such as the Home Shopping Network and Youtube. Youtube users will be delighted to know that if their smart phone and their smart TV share the same Wifi Network, the smart phone can be utilized to function as a remote.

With over 16 new and different models of the Smart TV and having joined the Smart TV Alliance of LG and Philips, it can be expected the TV’s will be top notch quality products.

[Image via gizmodo]


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