Wednesday 19 December 2012

3 Easy Steps To Start a Guest Posting Campaign

Numerous words have been written on the importance of guest posting so today I am not going to count any except saying that it is a key to blogging success.

Starting a Guest Posting campaign or making it a part of your blogging schedule is necessary if you continuously want new readers and ofcourse who doesn’t like that.

To grab the audience of your competitors, it is the best way. I have done that so many times and always have enjoyed the result.


Steps To Start a Guest Posting Campaign

Here are 3 Easy Steps To Start a Guest Posting Campaign. I’m sure they’ll help you to start your first Guest Posting Campaign.

1. Make a List

Before getting started make a list of authority blogs in your niche. It won’t take much of your time since you must be already aware of the beast in your industry.

Don’t go high in the first time, if you are a beginner and have started to blog a month ago then start with blogs of a bit upper level not the ones on extreme height such as you start to write for ProBlogger.

In any way I am not saying, you can’t do that or you can’t write like any problogger but I strongly believe that you should own credibility first before you start guest posting. You have to write and practice more at your blog and only then you will be able to write for the bigger than yours blog.

So make a list of blogs for each month where you will guest post, I don’t like to write much so I don’t. On my own blog I have no proper time for posting but I make sure I write atleast 4 guest posts every month so that people will come to my blog and above all they will know me as a blogger and trust me, when I speak to them.

One more thing I would like to add is don’t make a list of 20 blogs in a time. Keep it short to 5 blogs minimum in a month and don’t over do or else you will lose interest soon. If you have selected 5 you can do much more with that than with the 20 more mediocre blogs you have added on your list.

2. Get Time

You need to get time for doing this. Since guest blogging is for traffic only and it is not paid, bloggers are not willing to do it and rather prefer writing for their own blogs. Forgetting that they can make more money if they just get a bigger audience for their blog, so why not be selfish?

If you don’t have a writing schedule just like me even then it is not a very hard job and if you have a schedule than it is a piece of cake.

First of all, free yourself from any sort of clutter. Get yourself time by avoiding Facebook and Twitter and think how much time you spend online. I spend max 5-6 hours now so if I just pause some of my other work which is on less priority for a hour what I will lose? Possibly nothing, I think by doing that I save my time and do more things in less time.

If you are really interested to check Facebook and Twitter than stop yourself from doing that. It is nothing more than a game of determination. Blogging is more about passion so you need to be driven for that and if passion lacks there are chances that you will fail so always stay motivated for a better day at your blog.

3. Sort Out the Content:

Once you have got yourself free and you have the list of the blogs, things start getting easy. Now visit those blogs and analyze the topics they cover. Have an insight on what they have covered recently and among their topics what they have been missing or any topic that they used to write on and it is a part of their category but they are not writing over that.

You can go with any of the above mentions either you can write in continuation of the blogs like write another detailed article on the recent topic that they covered or you can write on the topic they have missed.

In both cases, chances are more that your guest post will be accepted.

Since it shows that the content is not general and it is mainly written for the approached blog.

What’s Next?

Now you have determination to write, a blog where you have to write and content what you have to write. All what you need is to WRITE and that’s it.


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