Friday, 1 March 2013

Configuring Wi-Fi Security in PC/Laptop

Wi-Fi(Prounced as /ˈwf/ ) is a popular technology that allows an electronic device to exchange data wirelessly (using radio waves) over a computer network, including high-speed Internet connections.Recently intelligence agencies  have found that terrorists were using unsecured wi-fi connections for sending their emails.So here is a small guide "How To Configure Wi-Fi"

Wi-Fi Configuration in PC/Laptop

1. You need to configure same WEP key in your 
PC/Laptop which you have entered in CPE wi-fi
security configuration.

2. For this go to the properties of Wi-Fi

3. select the tab Wireless Networks.

4. Select the wi-fi network name ( more than
 one networks may be present in your area
, identify your network by SSID name which is
 configured in modem. Normally the CPE model
 name ( say WA1003A) is factory default SSID
 setting) and click on Properties.

5. Look for field Data Encryption and network
 ID, select WEP as Data Encryption and enter
 the network ID which you have entered in CPE
 configuration as Encryption Key.

NOTE: These steps may be different for different
 client Wi-Fi hardware/software. The screen
 shots of a typical example are given below. 

Sample Screenshots for Wireless Connection Configuration on PCs/LAPTOPs

(Article Via Boogali Blog)


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